Thursday, April 17, 2014

WAR IS COMING! ... J. D. Longstreet

A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet


An old admonition continues to tug at my consciousness. Its cautionary advice about something imminently dangerous approaching — just over the horizon — is more than a little compelling. You know — the admonishment that warns: “Eat, drink, and make merry, for tomorrow we die!” (You may recall several different versions found in the Bible.)

We are headed as straight to a third world war as a Martin flies to its gourd.

That fact, and I do believe it is a fact, is an unwelcome one.  Nevertheless, tis true.

Look, dear reader, our President is a humiliation to, not just the US, but to the free world!  He has proven to be a weakling, a pushover, a wimp, an international embarrassment.  And he is going to start a world war.

The folks in Eastern Europe know it.  The folks in Western Europe know it, the folks in Israel know it, heck, the entire Middle East knows it!

The Ukraine is gone -- at least the eastern region and, most likely, the entire country.  Just as the Crimea fell to Russian might, so will the Ukraine. It has already begun.  Next up -- the Baltic States Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. 

Look.  A complete blithering idiot can deduce that Czar Putin is recreating the old Soviet Union -- right before our eyes -- while our boy/man "fearless leader" sits in the Oval Office sucking his thumb.

I must tell you, it has been an extremely long time since I have been as humiliated by a president as I am today with Obama.  Honestly, I didn't think it could ever get as bad as it did with Jimmy Carter,  but, gentle reader, Obama makes Carter look like a LION!

History teaches that every time a president cowers in the White House, we end up at war somewhere, with someone.  Remember how the White House declared we would not get involved in what turned out to be World War One?  Remember how the White House promised we would not become involved in World War Two?  Uh-huh.  Get the picture?

So here we are, staring down the barrel of World War Three, and the White House is doing everything it can to avoid involvement.

Every have a boil on your body?  Remember the continual pain from that boil?  What to do?  Lance it.  The instant the blade touches the boil the pain is excruciating. The next instant, there is copious relief as the pressure is relieved and the corruption is drained.

Putin is that boil on the derriere of the free world today.  He needs to be lanced.  But the man who holds the scalpel is no where to be found.   It is shameful.

To our friends in Europe we'd like to remind you that THIS is why so many of us conservatives in the US voted against Obama.  We warned of his empty suit, of his inexperience, of his Marxist agenda.  We would have warned of his cowardice had we known at the time.

But, as I recall, much of Europe supported Obama for the US Presidency.

Some of you learned of your folly early on as evidenced by the following: 
“So Europe got the American president it wanted – the one who would present no threat to its own delusions. The United States is now officially one of us: an Old World country complete with class hatred, ethnic Balkanization, bourgeois guilt and a paternalist ruling elite. And it is locked into the same death spiral of high public spending and self-defeating wealth redistribution as we are. Welcome to the future, and the beginning of what may turn out to be the terminal decline of the West.” … Janet Daley, The Telegraph:

Ms. Daley figured it out.

I say ALL this to say simply this:  Europe, you're on your own!  The hungry Russian bear is at your door -- and there is no one, no big brother across the Atlantic, to come to your rescue -- again!

Oh.  Don't misunderstand, Europe.  We're here, its just that have no leader -- and we won't have for at least ten more years!

You have to understand Mr. Obama.  See, he's a bully -- in the classic sense.  If you allow him, he will run roughshod right over the top of you.  However, if you stand up to him, he wilts much like a shrinking violet.  THAT is what Czar Putin has discovered about Obama -- and that's what the Russians are exploiting.  And it's working brilliantly.

The US needs to put that missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic -- for starters. Put some American boots on the ground in the Baltic States.  I don't mean troops to act as a speed bump, I mean combat tested, hardened, veterans along with the artillery and tank killing munitions and whatever else it will take to make a heck of a lot of noise  and do a tremendous amount of damage should the Russkies let slip the dogs of war in the Baltic States. 

Heck, the Brits are already bolstering their forces there now.  Other NATO countries will follow suit, but, let's face it, the backbone of NATO is the US.   Unfortunately, Precious Flower, Obama, is leading from behind (as far behind as he can manage) once again.

It is depressing as heck to watch the people of that region cast beneath the shadow of the Russian bear.

"Fifteen independent countries, including Russia, emerged from the Soviet Union's disintegration. Six of them—Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and the three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—are in Europe, and all of them have a complicated relationship with modern Russia. Seven other countries once belonged to the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union's military alliance in Eastern Europe. With the Cold War's end, none of them had faced the threat of military intervention by the communist superpower's successor state—until now." -- SOURCE:

Can there be any question that Putin will make a grab for all those former members of the Warsaw Pact?

Putin must be stopped.  Words won't do it.  It is obvious he doesn't respect the US.  I propose we make him FEAR the US.  STOP TALKING TO HIM ... PERIOD!   Put our SOG troops to use.  Turn them loose on Putin's forces within Ukraine and where ever else they may have stepped over their border.  Aggravate the living daylights out of them.   Get their attention.  Put them on the defensive.   But DON'T TALK TO THEM. Keep 'em guessing. 

The experts at all this are less than an hour from where I sit as I write.  They're the best in the world.  If ANYONE can put fear into the hearts of the Russkies, these guys can do it.

We have all those drones with missiles aboard.  Surely they are not ALL occupied with searching out and killing terrorists.  Why not begin knocking out bridges all the way from Estonia south at least to the Moldavia/Romania border. 

Of course, aircraft don't use bridges, but tanks do -- and the Russkies love their tanks.

The point is the US should at the very least, set Putin's forces back on their heels a bit.  As it is, they have an open field and nothing stands between them and the end zone.

That's wrong -- on so many levels. 

Look, I don't want war, either.  But the nub of it is -- we're going to have a war whether we want it or not.  Plus -- the plain truth is that when Americans and Russians begin exchanging gunfire it will instantly become a world war. 

As we said above, the Ukraine is effectively gone.  The moment Russian forces set foot in the Baltic States they will face resistance from NATO troops.  The US will be committed -- as an attack on ANY NATO member is considered an attack upon all NATO members.

THIS is what timidity in a US leader will bring.  War.

J. D. Longstreet
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