They're Just Pawns
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Look. Latino and Hispanic voter and the Democratic Party are MADE for each other. The Latinos and Hispanics now in the US , for the most part, hail from countries with strong central governments. The Democratic Party with its socialist philosophy is nothing if it is not a believer in and an advocate for a strong central government.
The illegal immigrants, otherwise known as "undocumented democrats," are already comfortable with those strong central governments. They have already learned how to "milk" the system in their native lands and come here, in my opinion, to milk the American system -- because it is much easier. Not to mention, we have a ruling government more than ready to make a deal. The deal, simply put is this: Vote and support democrats and we will redistribute America's wealth -- TO YOU! Any attempt by the GOP to influence those Hispanic and Latino voters, at that point, is shot down in flames.
The GOP's plan to take Hispanic and Latino voters for the Democrats is a Quixotic plan doomed to abject failure. It's not sensible. It is idealistic and unrealistic -- and almost funny.

The Obama Administration has already begun their Bovine Scatology campaign about the southern border being more secure than it has ever been. That's rubbish.
There is a virtual flood of illegal immigrants entering the US across the southern border with Mexico as they attempt to get inside the US BEFORE the new amnesty law is passed by Congress and signed by Obama.
Arrests along the border \are actually up 13 percent compared with the same time last year. The number was 170,223 in 2012, and is 192,298 this year. SOURCE:,+Current+Events,+Breaking+News,+Politics,+Opinion&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=RFN
Sometime in the next few days we should see the proposed new immigration bill from the Senate. It is expected to include a call for increasing border security, introducing a pathway to citizenship, and increasing visas for high-school workers. SOURCE:
The House is still working on their bill but it, too, is expected to have that "pathway to citizenship" including.
Let's be clear: "Pathway to citizenship" is amnesty, pure and simple. And it may well be the deal killer for any immigration reform bill Obama tries to push through the Congress. There is a fairly good chance the bill will pass in the Senate and die in the House.
Congressman Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, says THAT'S the Obama plan. Cruz says: "But as long as the president and [Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)] insist on a path to citizenship they know full well it will never pass the House of Representatives and then it's just a political football rather than actually trying to fix the problem." SOURCE:
If Cruz is right, then the whole immigration reform effort by the Obama Administration is a "sham" intended to create a political bludgeon to use against the republicans in the elections of 2014 and 2016.
What about those "illegals" swarming across our borders? Well, they're just pawns used by the democrats to stay in power.
The GOP, in my opinion, ought to recognize it has lost the illegal immigrant bid. In fact, the GOP never had a a chance at attracting illegals in the first place. They are MADE for the democratic party.
The problem with the GOP is not its lack of minority voters, its the party's tacking to the left that has cost it strength at the ballot box. Many conservative voters will no longer support the GOP as a result. Making the GOP tent larger just makes the problem larger.
© J. D. Longstreet
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