Sheriffs CAN Block Federal Gun Control
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

Richard Mack, a former sheriff in Graham County, Ariz., joined with then-Ravalli County Sheriff Jay Printz in a lawsuit against Washington when Bill Clinton demanded sheriff’s enforce provisions of the Brady Bill gun control law.
He won. And since then he’s been at the front of a movement that highlights the responsibility of local sheriffs.
Now, as Washington gears up to consider imperious plans to limit guns, require fingerprinting and registration, impose additional taxes and fees, ban particular features or functions outright, and even confiscate weapons of self-defense, Mack has told WND that there’s hope remaining in local law enforcement.
It’s not complicated, he said.
“Gun control is illegal and it’s against the Constitution,” he said. “What people don’t realize is that the Second Amendment was designed to protect us from the power of the federal government.”
He said he would expect sheriffs across the country to defend the rights of ordinary Americans." (From an Article by Michael Carl at WND)
Read more at WND:
When I was sworn-in, many years ago, as a deputy sheriff, I swore to uphold and protect the US Constitution. As Mr. Carl points out in his very enlightening article, gun control is illegal. It is a violation of the US Constitution. The 2nd Amendment says plainly your right to keep and bear ("bear" means "to carry") arms shall not be infringed. Infringed means "to go against," to change, to limit, and on, and on. In plain language it means the government cannot, legally, do a darned thing to infringe your rights under the Second Amendment.
Seems to me, a local sheriff would be well within his rights, in upholding the law (the constitution) to arrest any, and all, federal agents who persist in an attempt to enforce any federally imposed gun control laws in his jurisdiction.
Here is a little known fact: " ... no matter what gun control laws are passed by the federal government, they can only be enforced in your area if your county sheriff allows them to be." Read more:
" ... the county sheriff is the highest governmental authority in his county and he does not have to bow to the tyranny of the federal government if he deems such actions to be unconstitutional or unlawful. In essence, the county sheriff has more legal authority within his county than the governor or the state or even the president of the United States."
Read more:
I agree with the writer of the article at But I see two problems. One: The American government is no longer bound to the constitution. Having decided the constitution is no longer valid, since we MODERN Americans have outgrown its lack of moral relativism, our current government just does whatever the heck it pleases and rams it down the throats of the citizens.
Two: The American citizen is so totally ignorant of his/her rights under the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, that they no longer protest when their government goes rogue. Of course, there is always the ten percent who either don't get the word or don't give a da*n.
Given the above information, don't you think it might be prudent to contact your local sheriff and inquire where he/she stands on gun control and the enforcement of unconstitutional laws in his/her jurisdiction?
Sheriff Richard Mack has authored a book entitled: "From My Cold Dead Fingers." In the book, Sheriff Mack clearly outlines why the unrestricted right of the people as individuals "to keep and bear arms" is essential to the preservation of both individual liberty and domestic tranquility. Mack reminds us of facts that were self-evident to earlier generations of Americans, but which are all but forgotten in today's climate of incessant cries for more gun control. Critics tell us "From My Cold Dead Fingers." is concise and compelling. They say this book is an indispensable resource for any lover of freedom. Some even insist "From My Cold Dead Fingers." is one of the most essential books ever written on the Second Amendment.
You may purchase "From My Cold Dead Fingers." here:
As we Americans try to wind our way through these weeks, months, and years of uncertainty, and turmoil that began upon the swearing-in of Obama, the first time, and continues even today, extending into the future for at least four more years, we desperately need leaders. The only leadership coming out of our nation's capitol is leading the wrong way, down the path to utter destruction.
Could it be that American leadership will ultimately be found at the local level -- with

These are, indeed, "times that try men's souls." We are undoubtedly living through a period in our country's history that will decide the fate, not only of OUR country, but of the world community. For, as our friends at Canada Free Press say right across the top of their website, "Because without a free America there is no free world."
Since the early days of the 20th century America has been fighting wars with and for of its global neighbors attempting to maintain conditions that allow freedom to grow and flourish for all people. Now it is time we Americans turn our attention inward and clean up around our own doorstep and in our own home. Its not just something we'd like to do -- it is something we MUST do -- or we will perish.
It's not about gun control. It's about people control, about liberty, about freedom, it's about making America safe for socialism. It's about whether America survives as a free country or dies with the shackles and chains of slavery wrapped tightly around her neck and the heavy yoke of a powerful central government dragging her down into the dust.
The only question -- do we have the courage to stand up, as men, and demand that our God-given rights be left alone, acknowledged as sacrosanct, just as God and the founders of this nation intended? Or, do we curl up in a fetal position and mewl weakly for our national nanny to tuck us in.
At my, ahem, advanced age, I'm getting down to the "short rows" in life now and it pains me to know that I may be leaving my grandchildren an America as completely "messed-up" as it is today.

Socialism came ashore with the folks from the Mayflower. It failed -- and nearly cost the colony's life. It has been trying for a comeback in America ever since. Today socialism is thriving in America, and again, as it always does, it is killing its host.
© J. D. Longstreet
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