America's Socialist President?
Obama Offers Enslavement. Romney offers Freedom
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
In my opinion -- yes, Obama is a socialist as well as a Marxist, a Leninist, and a statist.
on who answers the question above, you are likely to get a host of
different answers with a string of caveats a mile long. But the plain
fact is -- that at the very least -- Obama IS a socialist.
friends on the left will preface their answers with "Well, if you are
asking if ... ." and then they reword the question you just asked,
create their own question, and answer it with a profound "NO." All the
while they are hoping against hope that the listener will not notice
that they simply leapt right over the original question and answered
something that had not been asked in the first place. It is a political
trick as old as politicians -- redirect the conversation away from
touchy subjects
Oh, let us not forget that anyone with the
temerity to even consider aloud that Obama MIGHT be a socialist is
frowned upon as someone who is insane or, at best, a "NUT."
So, is he, or isn't he. Most assuredly, he IS a socialist.
I know my friends on the left are going to have a seizure but, hey, the
truth can be uncomfortable at times. This may be one of those times for
the political left.
It does not take a degree in political
science to figure it out. Even a casual observer of Obama, with just a
tiny bit of knowledge concerning political philosophy, can see Obama's
socialism shining like a neon sign over the door of a bar on a dark and
rainy night. It flashes brightly, continuously, and in RED. Heck. It
won't allow you to miss it or overlook it. Only those with self imposed
blindness -- or those who wish to cover it up -- can, or will, deny it.
It matters not whether Obama is a "European-style socialist or a Soviet
Union-style socialist, he's still a SOCIALIST -- and a Marxist to boot.
Socialism is socialism and Marxism is Marxism no matter the geography
upon which it is practiced!
In an article entitled: "Is It Within
Bounds To Ask: Is Obama A Socialist?" at, Paul Roderick
Gregory says the following: "Democrat strategists know that
the American electorate reacts strongly negative to “socialism” and are
doing their best to discredit any and all who call Obama a socialist.
There can be no doubt that Obama is a socialist in the European
reform-Marxism tradition. In France, Obama would be the candidate of the
French socialist party. In Spain, he would be at home in the Socialist
Worker’s Party. In Germany, Obama would be torn between the Social
Democrats and Die Linke. In “Old Europe,” the welfare state is well
entrenched. Elections are about tinkering at the margin. The United
States has still to decide whether it wants the European welfare state
or not. Obama does. Romney does not."
that is about as clear-cut a vision of what the up-coming election in
November is about as anything I have heard to date. Obama's vision for a
socialist America -- or Romney's vision for a free America. Depending
upon how America chooses, we will either stand on our own two feet as
free man -- or die on our knees as slaves to the state. It could not be
more simple.
Socialism is worse that cancer. Socialism enslaves
entire nations and then -- murders their country. God-fearing people
have no place in a socialist state. Within a socialist state the
government -- the state -- is god. If you wish to survive, your fealty
must be to the state from which your sustenance comes.
We learned
just days a go that half of all American households are receiving
government sustenance, of some kind, even today. That is HALF! I mention
this because, already, we have evidence, un-refutable, that America is,
at the very least, partially committed to socialism.
As far back
as FDR the US government placed the US on the slippery slope to
COMMUNISM -- and make no mistake about it -- socialism is the last step
in the process of moving a free people from liberty to communism.
much vaunted Obama Campaign Machine seems, also, to be slipping a cog
or two as we wind down to the last few extremely important months of the
presidential campaign. We hear stories of near panic in their ranks
with physical confrontations between department heads and political
advisers in the White House.
At the risk of offering aid to my
political enemies, I must tell you -- whoever chose the Obama campaign
slogan of "FORWARD" did more to aid the republican cause and endorse the
Romney campaign than most hard working republican activists. You see,
"FORWARD" has been the slogan for Socialists, Marxists, and Communists
for nigh onto a hundred years. It was either a humongous mistake or an
overt attempt to bring Obama out of the Socialist /Marxist closet. In
any event, it was much appreciated by those of us on the right.
DID America wind up with a Socialist/Marxist/Leninist President? The
apathy of Americans towards politics has swung the door to the nation's
government wide open for those who have schemed for many years to
undermine America's constitutional republic and the capitalist society
America's forefathers so lovingly and tirelessly created on these
It now seems clear that the Obama campaign will use
"fairness," in conjunction with their campaign slogan of "Forward," over
the next few months as their message to the many special interest and
minority groups that make up, by far, the vast majority of the
Democratic Party. And yes, "fairness" IS a code word for socialism. The
subliminal message is: "Redistribution of the nations wealth" meaning --
YOUR wealth. We will also hear of "Common Prosperity" much as we did in
the 2008 campaign.
It is very telling that the two candidates for
President are as close in the polls as they seem to be currently. It is
extremely worrisome that these poll results can be interpreted to
reveal just how little Americans really know about their own form of
constitutional republic and even less about capitalism, how it works,
and how it has built the greatest, wealthiest, most charitable society
on the face of the planet -- EVER.
It is equally frightening to
understand just how close Americans are to binding themselves with the
chains of socialist slavery -- chains they/we, themselves/ourselves,
forged in the infamous foundry of "ignorance and apathy."
It is
heart-breaking for many Americans to recognize that many of our fellow
Americans have chosen the route of least resistance . They have decided
that rather than pitching in and working to keep America prosperous and
to keep the doors to opportunity open, they have decided it is a better
idea to complain, make fools of themselves in America's streets, and do
everything within their power to drag America down to a level where all
her citizens live in misery, envy, and jealousy. THAT'S WHAT SOCIALISM
If that is your goal, then Obama should be your candidate
for President. If you still believe in freedom, in liberty, in goodness,
in kindness, and yes, in God, then Romney should be your candidate.
election in November is truly between the "Takers" and the "Makers."
The Takers will line up behind Obama and the Makers will line up behind
Romney. If the Takers win, it will be a temporary victory. Their society
can only last as long as other peoples money lasts. Once the Makers
(and their money) leave America, then America will quickly become what
we know today as a "Third-World" country. Such a sad ending for a nation
with so much promise -- and, yes, REAL hope for all the people of
But, what the heck! Freedom is just too much work. It
requires entirely too much responsibility for one's self. Slavery is
more to be desired.
In November we will make that choice: Freedom
or slavery. May God help us if we choose the slavery of
Socialism/Marxism/Leninism offered by Obama and the political left in
J. D. Longstreet
Thursday, June 7, 2012
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