Gun Owners Mad As Hell And Will Not Take It!
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
There is a purge of Congress in the offing. It will be historic in its magnitude.
me to be as clear as I possibly can about this because the disconnect
between the people of America and their government has become so
complete, the distance between the citizen and the government has become
so broad, that Washington is hearing only a faint whisper (If they hear anything at all!) coming from those of us outside the beltway.
So let me say this clearly, loudly, and in a declarative manner: Attention
Senators and US Representatives: If you vote for the new Assault
Weapons Ban your political career in the US Congress is OVER. That is O V E R! Complete, finished, ended, kaput!
the past few days I have been going over and over Senator Diane
Feinstein's proposal for a new Assault Weapons Ban and it reads like
some sort of "edict" handed down from the politburo in old Soviet
Socialist Russia. (The politburo is the chief executive and political committee of the Communist Party.)
It IS as bad as I had suspected -- but it is much, much, worse!
If you have not read the proposed bill, there is a "Summary" of the bill in PDF format you must read. You will find it here:
The full text of the proposed bill has been taken down from the Senator's website and, instead, we find the summary.
I am including a copy of the text of that summary below which was taken from the Senator's website:
Summary of 2013 legislation
Following is a summary of the 2013 legislation:
Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
120 specifically-named firearms;
Certain other semiautomatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a
detachable magazine and have one or more military characteristics; and
Semiautomatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.
Strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and various state bans by:
Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test;
Eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test; and
Banning firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons” to address attempts to “work around” prior bans.
Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.
Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment;
Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes; and
Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons.
Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:
Background check of owner and any transferee;
Type and serial number of the firearm;
Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration.
A pdf of the bill summary is available here:
What we have here is a full-out, frontal assault on gun owners of America -- not to mention a complete infringement of the rights of gun owners as spelled out, clearly, in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. It is as if the 2nd Amendment does not exist.
well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
infringed." ... 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution
I keep wondering what part of "shall not be infringed" do they not understand??? The definition of "infringe" is:"to go against." That, then, would mean, it seems to me, the entire proposed 2013 Assault Weapons Ban is unconstitutional from the git-go! It is clearly an "infringement" on the rights of US citizens as spelled out in the 2nd Amendment.
As we learn, by dribs and drabs, what's in Feinstein's bill it becomes even more disturbing.
In my family we have a long standing tradition of "handing-down" our guns to the next generation. I have been looking forward to the day I will hand-down my weapons to my grandson. Now I learn that should Feinstein's bill pass into law, I will not be able to do that. Nor will you.
to the outline of Feinstein’s bill, it will grandfather in all legally
owned weapons, but it will require they be registered and the owner
fingerprinted. It will require a $200 per weapon tax be paid. The guns
will not be transferable, meaning that upon the death of the owner the
guns will become the property of the Federal government. It will allow
the sale of 900 specifically named weapons, but none that can accept a
detachable magazine that holds more than 10 rounds." SOURCE:
All this is bad enough, but consider this: If the Congress refuses to pass Feinstein's bill
into law, isn't it reasonable to expect that Obama will issue the
necessary Executive Orders to do much the same thing by way of rules and
regulations, which have the force of law, and those rules and regs will
be executed by the alphabet agencies under his control such as BATFE
and the DHS, and even the agency, or agencies, charged with the
supervision of Obamacare.
ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! Losing our freedom, our liberty, and our COUNTRY
is a consequence of the November sixth election. But to be honest, we
have to admit the problem began when the American people turned to
socialism and a strong central government. THIS is the price we pay.
But what the hey! It's only freedom. It's just our liberty. It's just our birthright! And finally -- it is just the soul of our country.
This is about far more than guns and who has them. This is about slavery to the state. Pure and simple. It's not hard. It's not difficult. It is easily understood -- if you're not afraid of the truth.
In the not too distant future there will come a call -- a clarion call. Whether America lives -- or dies --
will depend upon who among her people answers that call. The
faint-hearted need not bother themselves. Their services will not be
required. When the call comes you can be sure the "Land of the free" is in need of rescue by those Americans from the "Home of the BRAVE."
Mark my words: The call WILL come. The rapid rate at which America is spiraling downward is matched by the rapid rate at which patriotism is spiraling upward among freedom loving Americans. The men and women who have always stepped forward from the masses to save America will step forward again for they are the sons and daughters of heroes. They know the cost -- and the price -- of freedom for their families have paid it many times before. THEY will do the RIGHT thing -- because IT IS THE RIGHT THING.
"Through the travail of the ages
Midst the pomp and toil of war
Have I fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star.
I have sinned and I have suffered
Played the hero and the knave
Fought for belly, shame or country
And for each have found a grave.
So as through a glass and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names - but always me."
--- General George S Patton, Jr.
The poem above is from the pen of a man who, as a boy sat at the feet of, and rode with an aging Col. John Singleton Mosby, the "Gray Ghost" of Confederate Army fame. Gen. George Patten knew that the men and women I write of above are with us always and when called upon they unflinchingly step forward. And they will again. They only await the call.
© J. D. Longstreet
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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