The New Phoenix Rises
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
There was a time in America, not so long ago, when we had white people, black people, brown people, yellow people, etc. We had men and women. We had healthy people and we had sick people and we had handicapped people.
We had smart people and we had dumb people. We had retarded people and we had normal people.
We had queers and homosexuals and but we had no gay and lesbian people.
We had truth and we had the lie.
We had people who loved America and people who hated America. There was no “in-between”.
We had Republicans and Democrats and no Independents. We had conservatives and liberals. We did not have moderates.
Well, what happened? Answer: World War Two!
“What’s World War Two got to do with it,” you may ask? Glad you asked. It has everything to do with the mess we find ourselves in here in America today.
Our US troops who fought in Europe, and were stationed there after the war, brought something back from Europe that was, up ‘til that time, alien to America. In those days it was called “Moral Relativism.” Simply defined it says there are no absolutes. There is no absolutely black and there is no absolutely white. There is no absolute truth and there is no absolute lie.
Now, this was like a bombshell going off in America. Those of religious faith saw it instantly for what it was. The GREAT LIE!
The pointy-head elites, in the northeastern states, and the university academia, saw instantly a way to cover all the things they wanted to do and say with cloak of moral relativism. And they took it up and reveled in it. They began to teach it to our kids. Then those kids became elementary and high schoolteachers themselves… and they, too, taught it to our kids and their kids.
It is not accidental that those on the left side of the political spectrum in America came so quickly to adopt Moral Relativism. You see… they WERE the university elite. Someone has said recently, it is now a part of the DNA of the political left and the Democrat Party.
Nowadays, Moral Relativism is known as Political Correctness. No matter what it is called it is still the most effective way to live a lie and sell that life style to others.
When I was a boy, America was referred to as a great Melting Pot. People from all over the world would come to America and melt right into the unique American society and culture. Sometimes it took one, or even two, generations to make the cycle complete but they worked at it. And it made America strong.
Then, the left came up with something called “Multiculturalism”. Basically, that is to say that any and all cultures are as good as ours. (When we had a unique American Culture. And for those of you too young to remember… we did have our own culture!) The breakdown of American society, and culture, began at that moment. The political left began to foist their plan to no longer have a single American culture but a vast array of cultures from all the peoples who had come here to ostensively become Americans.
It was kind of cute at first, the gay colors of the Hispanic peoples and their holidays… and the October fest of the Germans, and the Irish holidays, and the various other cultural celebrations of the host of other peoples in America. Then it became sinister. That unique American culture began to be absorbed into the multitude of other cultures. Now, for all intents and purposes, the American culture is gone. And with it went the identity of the American people.
And then came the icing on the cake: Diversity.
Ever since there has been marriage, a man and a woman deciding to live together and create a family… man has needed, from time to time, to get away from the little woman.
You have to understand, men are barbarians. We can’t help it, that’s the way Nature made us and we will never be house broken. Even in the pre-Columbian days of the Native Americans, on this continent, the tribes had their “Man’s House”. Even then, the men needed to get away. It’s not that the man loved or respected the woman any the less; he just needed to let the beast out for a while. He could not, and cannot, do that in a domesticated setting.
For a very long time, the work place served as the man’s retreat. Then the feminist movement came along and women decided they could have it all… including the heart attacks, ulcers, nervous breakdowns, alcoholism and everything that goes with the workplace, and they chose that over their families. The invasion on the man’s retreat was on and it was overwhelming.
The office known as “Personnel” was suddenly changed to “Human Resources” and diversity in the workplace was near complete.
But… not quite so in American society. The Military was next. Man’s last retreat from curtains and all forms of domesticity was invaded and defeated. Again In the name of diversity.
Now, diversity and multiculturalism feed off each other and they both feed off Political Correctness. How is that, you may ask?
Well, if we clear the fog of political correctness away for a brief moment, we can see that multiculturalism is bad for the country. It has robbed us of our identity. Diversity has robbed us of our homes and families… and robbed us of our places in society. Male and female have morphed into one sex now. And again, we have lost our identity. Even the forced injection of different races into each other’s cultures, in the name of diversity, has robbed all races of their distinct identity. So we come up with hyphenated names to try to identify who we are. But… it doesn’t work.
Why can’t we see this? Because Political Correctness has laid the cloak of the Big Lie over everything and we dare not question any of it because that would be… you guessed it… Politically Incorrect.
And so… we are lost. We don’t know who we are anymore, we don’t know where we are anymore, and we don’t even know how we got here.
So how can we change it? We can’t. You can’t unring a bell. You cannot re-institute virginity. We’re stuck!
The US has succumbed to that fatal disease which strikes all great nations and brings them their knees. Guilt.
I mean, heck, we can’t even fight a successful war anymore for fear that we will hurt the enemy. And we feel guilty for, well, something or other. The left will certainly fill in the blank for us.
Certainly we can take a tip from our founders, those 102 frightened, but determined, souls who left their country in search of a new beginning.
Like the Pilgrims we are going to have to leave and begin anew. Where, you may ask? Antarctica? Hardly. I would point in one direction. Straight up. Our destiny lies out there … among the stars.
Since government can’t afford to fund a colonization program, it will have to be private enterprise, which comes up with the money, the will, and the way. And do not kid yourselves; they are hard at work on plans for such a venture right now.
In the past 2 decades or so, I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the nearness of our horizons. We have become fat, lazy, and satisfied. The wanderlust is gone. The curiosity to learn what lies over the next hill has diminished. And THAT, Dear Reader, is a death sentence to any society. To paraphrase the scriptures “Without a vision, the people perish.” Our vision is gone.
Well that’s not ENTIRELY true. Some, among us, cling to the vision of spreading our collective wings and soaring into the universe. Some of us believe it is our destiny. And, as we look around us, some of us believe it is our salvation as well.
Rising from its own ashes like the mythological Phoenix bird, man will eventually have no choice left him. As our freedoms erode almost daily, it seems, the urge to break the bonds of an overpowering government fuel the desire to escape, to move on, and to seek a new home in the vastness of the last frontier where man can once again flourish in the restoration of the freedom he is being denied by overpowering governments such as the socialist government America is burdened with at the beginning of this 21st century. No matter what, Man will be free even if it requires leaving the only home he has known in search of distant lands, on distant worlds, in the immeasurable vastness of what we call Space.
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
There was a time in America, not so long ago, when we had white people, black people, brown people, yellow people, etc. We had men and women. We had healthy people and we had sick people and we had handicapped people.
We had smart people and we had dumb people. We had retarded people and we had normal people.
We had queers and homosexuals and but we had no gay and lesbian people.
We had truth and we had the lie.
We had people who loved America and people who hated America. There was no “in-between”.
We had Republicans and Democrats and no Independents. We had conservatives and liberals. We did not have moderates.
Well, what happened? Answer: World War Two!
“What’s World War Two got to do with it,” you may ask? Glad you asked. It has everything to do with the mess we find ourselves in here in America today.
Our US troops who fought in Europe, and were stationed there after the war, brought something back from Europe that was, up ‘til that time, alien to America. In those days it was called “Moral Relativism.” Simply defined it says there are no absolutes. There is no absolutely black and there is no absolutely white. There is no absolute truth and there is no absolute lie.
Now, this was like a bombshell going off in America. Those of religious faith saw it instantly for what it was. The GREAT LIE!
The pointy-head elites, in the northeastern states, and the university academia, saw instantly a way to cover all the things they wanted to do and say with cloak of moral relativism. And they took it up and reveled in it. They began to teach it to our kids. Then those kids became elementary and high schoolteachers themselves… and they, too, taught it to our kids and their kids.
It is not accidental that those on the left side of the political spectrum in America came so quickly to adopt Moral Relativism. You see… they WERE the university elite. Someone has said recently, it is now a part of the DNA of the political left and the Democrat Party.
Nowadays, Moral Relativism is known as Political Correctness. No matter what it is called it is still the most effective way to live a lie and sell that life style to others.
When I was a boy, America was referred to as a great Melting Pot. People from all over the world would come to America and melt right into the unique American society and culture. Sometimes it took one, or even two, generations to make the cycle complete but they worked at it. And it made America strong.
Then, the left came up with something called “Multiculturalism”. Basically, that is to say that any and all cultures are as good as ours. (When we had a unique American Culture. And for those of you too young to remember… we did have our own culture!) The breakdown of American society, and culture, began at that moment. The political left began to foist their plan to no longer have a single American culture but a vast array of cultures from all the peoples who had come here to ostensively become Americans.
It was kind of cute at first, the gay colors of the Hispanic peoples and their holidays… and the October fest of the Germans, and the Irish holidays, and the various other cultural celebrations of the host of other peoples in America. Then it became sinister. That unique American culture began to be absorbed into the multitude of other cultures. Now, for all intents and purposes, the American culture is gone. And with it went the identity of the American people.
And then came the icing on the cake: Diversity.
Ever since there has been marriage, a man and a woman deciding to live together and create a family… man has needed, from time to time, to get away from the little woman.
You have to understand, men are barbarians. We can’t help it, that’s the way Nature made us and we will never be house broken. Even in the pre-Columbian days of the Native Americans, on this continent, the tribes had their “Man’s House”. Even then, the men needed to get away. It’s not that the man loved or respected the woman any the less; he just needed to let the beast out for a while. He could not, and cannot, do that in a domesticated setting.
For a very long time, the work place served as the man’s retreat. Then the feminist movement came along and women decided they could have it all… including the heart attacks, ulcers, nervous breakdowns, alcoholism and everything that goes with the workplace, and they chose that over their families. The invasion on the man’s retreat was on and it was overwhelming.
The office known as “Personnel” was suddenly changed to “Human Resources” and diversity in the workplace was near complete.
But… not quite so in American society. The Military was next. Man’s last retreat from curtains and all forms of domesticity was invaded and defeated. Again In the name of diversity.
Now, diversity and multiculturalism feed off each other and they both feed off Political Correctness. How is that, you may ask?
Well, if we clear the fog of political correctness away for a brief moment, we can see that multiculturalism is bad for the country. It has robbed us of our identity. Diversity has robbed us of our homes and families… and robbed us of our places in society. Male and female have morphed into one sex now. And again, we have lost our identity. Even the forced injection of different races into each other’s cultures, in the name of diversity, has robbed all races of their distinct identity. So we come up with hyphenated names to try to identify who we are. But… it doesn’t work.
Why can’t we see this? Because Political Correctness has laid the cloak of the Big Lie over everything and we dare not question any of it because that would be… you guessed it… Politically Incorrect.
And so… we are lost. We don’t know who we are anymore, we don’t know where we are anymore, and we don’t even know how we got here.
So how can we change it? We can’t. You can’t unring a bell. You cannot re-institute virginity. We’re stuck!
The US has succumbed to that fatal disease which strikes all great nations and brings them their knees. Guilt.
I mean, heck, we can’t even fight a successful war anymore for fear that we will hurt the enemy. And we feel guilty for, well, something or other. The left will certainly fill in the blank for us.
Certainly we can take a tip from our founders, those 102 frightened, but determined, souls who left their country in search of a new beginning.
Like the Pilgrims we are going to have to leave and begin anew. Where, you may ask? Antarctica? Hardly. I would point in one direction. Straight up. Our destiny lies out there … among the stars.
Since government can’t afford to fund a colonization program, it will have to be private enterprise, which comes up with the money, the will, and the way. And do not kid yourselves; they are hard at work on plans for such a venture right now.
In the past 2 decades or so, I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the nearness of our horizons. We have become fat, lazy, and satisfied. The wanderlust is gone. The curiosity to learn what lies over the next hill has diminished. And THAT, Dear Reader, is a death sentence to any society. To paraphrase the scriptures “Without a vision, the people perish.” Our vision is gone.
Well that’s not ENTIRELY true. Some, among us, cling to the vision of spreading our collective wings and soaring into the universe. Some of us believe it is our destiny. And, as we look around us, some of us believe it is our salvation as well.
Rising from its own ashes like the mythological Phoenix bird, man will eventually have no choice left him. As our freedoms erode almost daily, it seems, the urge to break the bonds of an overpowering government fuel the desire to escape, to move on, and to seek a new home in the vastness of the last frontier where man can once again flourish in the restoration of the freedom he is being denied by overpowering governments such as the socialist government America is burdened with at the beginning of this 21st century. No matter what, Man will be free even if it requires leaving the only home he has known in search of distant lands, on distant worlds, in the immeasurable vastness of what we call Space.
J. D. Longstreet
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